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KCNA Kim Il Sung University (KR)

New School Year Opening Ceremony Held at WPK Central Cadres Training School with SplendorRespected Comrade Kim Jong Un Makes Address and Inspects First Lecture

Date: 02/06/2024 | Source: Kim Il Sung University (KR) | Read original version at source

Pyongyang, June 2 (KCNA)-The Central Cadres Training School of the Workers' Party of Korea, with an appearance of the highest level as a prestigious revolutionary university training the backbone of the WPK that will reliably carry forward the sacred ideals and spirit of its founding to perfectly guarantee the rosy future of the cause of Juche, has been opened on the occasion of its 78th birthday.

A ceremony of opening the school took place with splendor on June 1.

The venue was full of boundless pride and honor of the students, who will get to learn the genuine truth of Party building and activities in the great era of Kim Jong Un at the world-class politico-ideological school associated with the deep trust of the Party Central Committee and the great expectations of all the Party members, and of the noble mission and emotion of educators who have stood on the sacred platform for the future of the Party.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, attended the ceremony.

When he arrived at the school, cheers of "Hurrah!" resounded across the campus.

The teaching staff and students of the school expressed their heartfelt gratitude, looking up to the respected General Secretary who had the highest institution of education built to ensure the lifeline of the great Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist Party and its ever-victorious leadership forever and came to the opening ceremony again after the grand inauguration ceremony to repeatedly show high glory and trust to them.

Waving back to the enthusiastically cheering participants, the General Secretary warmly congratulated all the teaching staff and students of the school who are honored to have its significant opening ceremony at the new buildings on the historic founding anniversary amid the blessings of the whole Party.

Present at the opening ceremony were Director Ri Yong Sik, Secretary of the Primary Party Committee Paek Hyong Chol, and other officials of the school and its teaching staff and students.

Also on hand were members of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee who were to attend the training course according to the Party's policy on in-service retraining.

The national anthem of the DPRK was played.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, made a speech.

"Comrades,I am very glad to attend this opening ceremony of a new school year, which is being held today on the founding anniversary of the Central Cadres Training School of the Workers' Party of Korea.The pride and joy of the teachers who are to give first lecture at the grand institution of the revolution, which millions of our Party members look up to with respect, and of the students who are to receive the first lecture, unforgettable throughout their lives, would also be incomparable.Today is a truly worthwhile and exciting day.Seeing you comrades sitting in fine array in the new campus, I can hardly repress my emotions as I picture in my mind the day when our great expectations and sincere efforts will bear sound fruits.The main pillars of our Party, who can claim a large share in its building and activities, and the prominent figures of our Party, who can hold important posts in the political, economic, cultural and defence fields, will be produced here. To think of this, I feel pride in having done the most valuable work for the Party, the country and the people.In the past years there have been many memorable grand festivals and remarkable events, but today's experience of looking to the future of the Workers' Party of Korea in this place would not be forgotten all my life, I think.History will record this opening ceremony, together with the inauguration ceremony in May last, as a strategic step, which would make its significance clearer and more vivid after ten or 20 years, and as a meaningful ceremony, which promised a brighter future for our Party and country.Comrades,The new era of building the Workers' Party of Korea, the golden age of strengthening the Party, is opening at this point today.Extending once again the warmest and most earnest congratulations to the opening ceremony of the glorious political school, I would like to make an appeal to you comrades who are renewing your pledge as you would play the main role in Party building in the new era.Our effort to usher in a new era of Party building has already passed the stage of planning, theory formulation and designing; it has entered a radical stage of practice and become an immediate task of socialist construction.The demand for talented Party officials who can become pillars in building a powerful, civilized and advanced state by correctly understanding and applying the ideas and lines of the Party Central Committee is quite pressing.Talented party cadres capable of leading the development of all fields of politics, military, the economy and culture and of all regions constitute the most valuable and decisive resources for a ruling party, and their role grows more important the more the revolution and construction advance.In view of the fact that the characteristic feature of this school is in training Party cadres who will build up a people's state that can exalt its brilliance all over the world, the school's mission is more honourable, and you will feel your shoulders heavier with the sense of responsibility.What I expect from the teachers and officials of the Central Cadres Training School is that they train all the students to be competent cadres who can lead the whole Party and competent officials who can lead all fields of the state and society vigorously along the track of progressive and civilized development.You should dedicate all your qualifications as educators, your Party conscience and your revolutionary enthusiasm to training political activists who can lead all our people who have risen up for the comprehensive development of socialism, Party officials whom the people follow of their own accord.Honourable students of the supreme political institution of the Republic,You are the reserve backbone cadres of our Party, who will be responsible for Party work in one sector, one field or one region in the future. As such, you should put your heart and soul into achieving excellent academic results so that you can acquire political knowledge and practical ability as soon as possible.Your studying objectives should not remain at any given level, nor should your burning enthusiasm for studying wear off.The whole of this campus should always be boiling hot with your zeal for reading and learning.Attending this ceremony are more than 170 new students, including those to be included in the two-year special course of Party building for the ninth postgraduate term and in the two-year course of Party building for the 33rd term.Since its establishment this school has seen dozens of such opening ceremonies, but the fact that you are the first to enrol in the renovated school is a source of honour for you, which you can record in your autobiography with pride.You should add lustre to this pride and honour with your burning enthusiasm for learning and excellent academic achievements.Comrades,To spend every moment of his life amid a struggle, always thinking of grim days rather than happy ones–this is the attitude of a true member of the Workers' Party of Korea and a source of honour for a revolutionary.I believe that you will make good on your admirable pledges of today and become strong pillars of the country true to the expectations of the Party and the people.The talented revolutionaries of the new era, with their soul, flesh and blood dyed red in this sacred place, will become the main force of our Party, dynamically pushing the wheel of gigantic social transformation.Hoping that this significant ceremony will mark a brilliant page in the history of our Party building in the new era, and reaffirming that I will do my best to make this school a source of pride for our Party and people, I will finish my speech here.Finally, on behalf of the Party Central Committee, I will confer the flag of the Workers' Party of Korea on the Central Cadres Training School, with my firm belief that this school will stand in the vanguard of the sacred cause of guaranteeing and realizing the glorious inheritance of our Party."

He personally handed over the sacred flag of the WPK to the director of the school amid the enthusiastic cheers of the participants, who were looking up to the great teacher, genius of ideology and theory and great master of revolutionary party building, who indicated the bright path for the dignified political school of the WPK to fulfill its important responsibility and role and leads it to brilliant success and steady leap forward.

All the teaching staff and students of the school, who received with due respect the red flag of the WPK associated with the great expectations of the Party and the revolution, the country and the people, were filled with high enthusiasm to repay with loyalty the trust of the great Party Central Committee by dedicating themselves to the honourable educational work and studies for the bright future of the WPK.

All the students made an oath, led by Director Ri Yong Sik, in front of the glorious flag of the WPK.

They pledged to become personifiers of the spirit of the red flag, who are firmly armed with the revolutionary ideas of the great Comrade Kim Jong Un, well versed in the original five-point Party-building theory and practical Party work and share the destiny with the red flag to the last, and standard-bearers of the Juche revolution reliably guaranteeing the glory and future of the Party, and thus remain faithful to the cause of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism and the leadership of the Party Central Committee forever.

The opening ceremony ended with the playing of the song "Internationale".

All the participants broke into cheers again, looking up to the General Secretary with excitement.

The General Secretary warmly acknowledged all the teaching staff and students, who entered the new campus with the noble mission they have assumed before the Party, the revolution, the country and the people and with the determination and will to redouble their efforts, hoping that they would achieve remarkable successes in education and studies.

He met members of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee who were to attend the retraining course.

Noting that the matchless guiding power of the WPK leading the revolution to the realization of the most just and far-reaching ideals is attributable to the abilities and qualifications of the body of Party cadres, he said it is a very significant process in strengthening the whole Party that all the officials, especially the members of the leadership body of the Party Central Committee, steadily train and develop themselves politically and ideologically and constantly improve their work method and style through regular retraining at the Party school, a furnace for the training in the Party spirit and the revolutionary spirit.

Members of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee should set an example and model in establishing the revolutionary habit of studying and strict campus discipline in the whole school, he said, adding that when the whole Party is turned into a party which is studying, struggling and working, the WPK will be able to steadily and powerfully demonstrate its might as the most dignified socialist ruling party, politically mature, organizationally strong, ideologically pure, strict in discipline and sound in work style, both in name and reality.

He saw the students at the first lecture on retraining course.

He carefully listened to the whole course of the lecture and said that the revolutionary idea of Juche, born in the first days of the Korean revolution unprecedentedly arduous and grim in history and enriched to fully demonstrate its immortal vitality, is a great revolutionary theory and an eternal and universal great revolutionary programme as it overcame the limitations of the preceding theories and gives perfect answers to the tasks they failed to present.

He said that the Central Cadres Training School should perfect and correctly implement its educational programme so as to fully ensure the theoretical education and practical education with the main emphasis put on its students' training in the the Party spirit as required by its mission and duty and the times. He also added that the school should make all its educational processes and the students' everyday life a good lecture helping the students steadily get ideological and moral pabulum necessary for Party work and revolutionary work and communist traits as befit revolutionaries.

Noting with high appreciation that Doctor of Socio-politics and Associate Professor Ju Il Ung, a teacher of the department of the basics on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, is very good at lecturing and has an ability befitting the spokesman for our Party's ideology and theory, he stressed that the school should launch an intensive drive for steadily improving the qualifications of all the teachers and researchers so as to bring about a great revolution in education for leading all students to possess perfect personality as genuine revolutionaries, ardent patriots and true human beings.

He went round different parts of the school, including the administration building, library and a dining hall.

He stressed the need for the school to raise the quality and cognitive effect of education while steadily improving its teaching contents and positively applying new forms and methods of teaching by introducing modern science and technology, as it has advanced educational system and a high level of educational conditions and environment.

He said that as the period of updating information is being shortened day by day, it is necessary to establish a rapid and regular system of acquiring, sharing and disseminating the latest sci-tech data and actively apply them in order to make the students acquire a wider and deeper knowledge in their school days.

He learned in detail about the supply service of the school and stressed the need to provide its teachers, researchers and students with all the conditions so that they can devote themselves to the teaching and studying, and took benevolent measures.

He expressed belief that all the teaching staff and students of the school would firmly arm themselves with the Party's red-flag idea, always mindful of the trust and expectation of the Party, and prepare themselves to be competent educators and distinguished political activists capable of skilfully applying the revolutionary theories and guiding methods specified in the Party-building programme in the new era to education and the Party work.

The Central Cadres Training School of the WPK, which has occupied an outpost of a new educational revolution thanks to the lofty intentions of the great Comrade Kim Jong Un, will more creditably discharge its duty as the glorious political school for training the backbone and successors to the Party and demonstrate in every way the inexhaustible might peculiar to it in the struggle for strengthening of the whole Party and the victorious advance of the revolutionary cause of Juche.

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December 21, 2020

2020.12.21.주체과학교육의 최고전당 김일성종합대학의 청년대학생들이 11월에 진행된 《코드쉐프》경연에서 또다시 영예의 우승을 쟁취하

두뇌경쟁무대에서 련전련승의 개가를김일성종합대학 학생들이 올해 《코드쉐프》경연에서 6련승 쟁취

두뇌경쟁무대에서 련전련승의 개가를김일성종합대학 학생들이 올해 《코드쉐프》경연에서 6련승 쟁취

2020.12.21.주체과학교육의 최고전당 김일성종합대학의 청년대학생들이 11월에 진행된 《코드쉐프》경연에서 또다시 영예의 우승을 쟁취하

December 21, 2020

2020.12.21.주체과학교육의 최고전당 김일성종합대학의 청년대학생들이 11월에 진행된 《코드쉐프》경연에서 또다시 영예의 우승을 쟁취하

경애하는 최고령도자 김정은동지께서 민족최대의 추모의 날에 즈음하여 금수산태양궁전을 찾으시였다

경애하는 최고령도자 김정은동지께서 민족최대의 추모의 날에 즈음하여 금수산태양궁전을 찾으시였다

(평양 7월 8일발 조선중앙통신)위대한 수령 김일성동지 서거 26돐이 되는 민족최대의 추모의 날에 즈음하여 온 나라 전체 인민들은 민족의

July 08, 2020

(평양 7월 8일발 조선중앙통신)위대한 수령 김일성동지 서거 26돐이 되는 민족최대의 추모의 날에 즈음하여 온 나라 전체 인민들은 민족의

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Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un Visits Kumsusan Palace of Sun

Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA)-All the people and service personnel across the country pay the noblest respect and wishes for eternal

July 08, 2020

Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA)-All the people and service personnel across the country pay the noblest respect and wishes for eternal

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