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KCNA Kim Il Sung University (KR)

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Completed Central Cadres Training School of WPK

Date: 16/05/2024 | Source: Kim Il Sung University (KR) | Read original version at source

Pyongyang, May 16 (KCNA)-In the historic period, when a new heyday of strengthening the whole Party is being ushered in under the five-point Party building line in the new era clarified by the great Comrade Kim Jong Un, the Central Cadres Training School of the Workers' Party of Korea, the highest institute of training Party cadres, has been successfully built as a model of Juche-oriented architecture and the education sector.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, gave field guidance at the school on May 15.

Accompanying him were secretaries of the WPK Central Committee.

He was greeted on the spot by officials of the design and construction units involved in the construction project.

Enjoying a panoramic view of the school, wonderfully built to mirror the valiant spirit and nature of the ever-victorious WPK and show its eternal rosy future, he said with great pleasure that the school looked majestic, and that the genuine model educational institution was built by our own efforts.

Going round the educational section, administration building, the general lecture room and multi-purpose lecture hall at the school building, conference hall, library, gymnasium, dormitory, dining hall and other parts of the school, he learned in detail about the fulfillment of the tasks he had given when inspecting it under construction on March 30.

He expressed great satisfaction over the fact that the officials and builders of the design and construction units properly rectified the problems, pointed out by him at that time, and carried out the final stage of construction in a qualitative way and at the highest level and thus made all the components of educational environment and conditions of the school flawless.

Noting that the structural characteristics of buildings were improved more rationally in keeping with the trend of modern education development and the pedagogical principles and the landscaping has been realized on a high level in conformity with the world standard, he said with pride that the Central Cadres Training School of the WPK is a perfect educational facility firmly ensuring the political principles, modernity and practicality and it created the highest standard for other educational institutions across the country.

Expressing expectation and belief that the school, wonderfully built as a political institution of the WPK representing the new era, would always remain faithful to its important and sacred mission of training the genuine backbone, the core Kimilsungists-Kimjongilists, and thus make a tangible contribution to strengthening and developing the WPK and its eternal prosperity, he gave instructions on making full preparations for its operation ahead of its opening ceremony and on organizing its inaugural ceremony in a great politically significant way.

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