There is something everyone should do uninterruptedly with patriotic mind today when dynamic efforts are being made everywhere across the country to implement the decisions of the Eleventh Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea.
It is just to practise economy.
Economy is one of important policy-oriented requirements constantly emphasized by our Party.
We should make the most of all reserves, possibilities and potentialities in order to realize our dreams and ideals in our own style and by our own efforts, while overcoming manifold challenges and difficulties. To this end, we should promote economy.
Just like filling a bottomless vessel, even though we produce a large quantity of goods, we will be unable to prevent waste and loss, if we do not practise economy.
That is why economy is just increased production.
We will be able to produce larger quantities of goods with the existing equipment and labour, if we tap every internal reserve and production potentiality of the national economy by intensifying economy.
The officials of all sectors and units of the national economy should organize economic work scrupulously from the stage of design on the principle of making the maximum profits with the minimum expenditure and arrange and conduct socialist emulation drives in a methodological way for improving such economic indexes as labour productivity, the per-unit costs of products and the quality of products and constructions.
Economy is not merely a technical matter but a patriotic undertaking to increase the wealth of the country and provide the people with an affluent and civilized life.
As the saying goes, “Who still takes out and puts not in will quickly find a bottom.” Our natural resources, however abundant they may be, will be exhausted if we use them wastefully, instead of economizing on them as much as possible and protecting and effectively using them.
When everyone endeavours to find out and make effective use of even one more reserve of economy, the waste of precious resources of the country will be prevented, production will increase and our people will benefit as much.
Economy is also a manifestation of the noble outlook on the rising generations. To economize for the future is an attitude of genuine patriots.
Now our Party wages grand campaigns for creation, including the one for carrying on the great golden age of construction, in order to provide younger generations with even one more wonderful thing.
When everyone turns out in the economy campaign with patriotic mind, the wealth of the country will increase and socialist economic construction will progress more successfully.
O Song Chol, department chief of the Academy of Social Sciences
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